• Personal Experience

    Jonathan’s Story – Part 1 : Meeting a Birth Mom for the First Time

    I’m not sure which day I officially became a mom.  Was it the day Jonathan was born?  Was it the day his birth mom signed the adoption papers? Or was it the day Jeron and I brought our precious baby boy home? Which ever one it is, there was a long road that led up to that day.  I had some health problems that resulted in a surgery that I almost didn’t survive, we went through a year of trying to get pregnant the “normal” way, followed by a year of infertility tests.  But the story of how we became Jonathan’s parents begins with a phone call from the doctor,…

  • Personal Experience

    Alexander’s Story – Part 2 – Adoption Finalization

    Oh, Happy Day! On September 18, 2018 we went to court to finalize the adoption of Alexander! For reasons I can’t even explain, I was extremely nervous to appear in court and speak to the judge. I am pretty shy by nature, but I don’t remember being so nervous when we went for Jonathan’s finalization. But nervous or not, it was a beautiful experience and a beautiful day! We had so much support from family and friends. I am so grateful to each and every person who came with us. The judge even commented that he loved seeing so many family members present. That warmed my heart soooooo much! I…

  • Personal Experience

    Why I Named my Blog The Whispering Leaf

    I often get asked why I named a blog about adoption The Whispering Leaf.  So today I thought I would share some of my deepest feeling about adoption, and why I felt the name The Whispering Leaf was so perfect. But first let me ask you some questions. “Do you feel the need to whisper when talking about adoption?” and if so, “Why?” For us, it all began with the adoption of our first son, Jonathan.  The minute people learned that we had adopted a baby, they wanted to share how adoption had touched their life.  Some of these people I had known for a long time, while others were…

  • Personal Experience

    Why We Chose an Open Adoption Plan

    One of the first things Jeron and I talked about when first began our adoption journey was whether or not we would comfortable with an open adoption plan.  Our first, and very uneducated, opinion was that we really hoped to have a closed adoption.  We knew that open adoptions were becoming more popular (for a good reason) but didn’t know anyone who had personally experienced it.  And we definitely didn’t understand it. The idea of having a relationship with the birth mom scared me to death! I didn’t want her to be hanging around and judging me.  What if she thought I was a bad mom to her child?  What…

  • Adoption

    Pros and Cons of Open Adoption

    If you are considering adoption, one of the first things that you will need to start thinking about is if you would like an open or a closed adoption.  For those of you who are unfamiliar with the concept of an open vs. closed adoption, let me explain. In an open adoption, the adoptive parents and the birth parents have traded personal information and have the option of contacting one another.  There are various degrees of openness.  Emails, pictures, social media, texting, calling, and visits can all be factors that are included in openness.  The birth and adoptive parents usually meet before the birth/placement of the baby. In a closed…

  • Personal Experience

    My Wishes

    The past few years have been a crazy roller coaster ride – and somewhere along the way I began pondering about starting a blog…this blog.  A place to share my life experiences on the amazing journey of adoption.  I do this with two wishes in my heart, to connect and to help.  I wasn’t sure how I wanted to approach this, but decided that I was going to speak to you all like you are already my close friends.  Throughout our experience of infertility and adoption we kept everyone, even very close family members, at a distance.  My goal is to talk to you the way I wish I would have…